Schantz A/S

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Schantz is a Danish financial software company (160 employees) specialized in pension calculations and advisory systems. Schantz’ software is used by several major Danish pension funds and banks for calculation and administration of diverse pension and insurance products, valuation of assets and liabilities in pension funds, risk management and retirement planning for individuals.

Schantz has recently entered an agreement with a major Swedish bank, and has also carried out a few pilot projects with Dutch pension funds who are considering to use Schantz software. Schantz can thereby bring in knowledge of the pension systems in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands as well as tools that can be used for educational purposes, such as pension calculators.

Schantz A/S is a specialized software company with focus on pension finance. Schantz employees are highly skilled actuarians, mathematicians, programmers and business analysts within pension finance and life-cycle financial advice. Kourosh Marjani Rasmussen runs a team of 15 specialists within the mentioned areas responsible for developing the core calculation engine of Schantz advisory products. He will set up a small team for developing the specialized calculation and optimization engines for this project under his guidance.


Expertise & People

kourosh-rasmussen43sw_v4Kourosh Rasmussen, PhD is an associate professor of Financial Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark and Chief Optimization Architect at Schantz A/S where he is responsible for developing an optimization based advisory tool for life-long financial planning of individuals. Kourosh is intrigued by finding ways to bridge the gap between the financial industry and the academic world.


lars-jacobsen-43sw_v2Lars Jacobsen is Vice President of Business Development in Schantz A/S with the responsibility of the complex customer cases and moving Schantz to the next level. His background is in the pension and insurance industry and his passion is changing and challenging the status quo.